Imagine yourself on a sunny beach in the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii. As you look out at the sparkling blue water, something catches your eye. A wild Spinner Dolphin jumps out of the water, gracefully flipping in the air. Your heart races with excitement as you realize you have just witnessed a magical moment. This incredible scene was captured by Mathers On The Map in a captivating video that will transport you to the world of snorkeling and wildlife in Hawaii.

So, what is this video all about? It showcases a stunning encounter with a wild Spinner Dolphin as it leaps out of the water while snorkeling at Two Step in Big Island, Hawaii. The video is filled with the melodious background music that will enhance your viewing experience. If you’re someone who appreciates nature’s wonders and wants to explore the vibrant underwater world of Hawaii, look no further. This video, brought to you by Mathers On The Map, is a must-watch for anyone seeking the best Hawaiian activity tours and activities in Hawaii. Get ready for a thrilling adventure that will leave you breathless and yearning for more.

Wild Spinner Dolphin Jumps Out Water Snorkeling at Two Step Big Island Hawaii

Wild Spinner Dolphin Jumps Out Water Snorkeling at Two Step Big Island Hawaii

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Introduction to Wild Spinner Dolphins

Have you ever dreamed of swimming alongside playful dolphins in crystal-clear waters? Well, your dream can become a reality at Two Step, a popular snorkeling spot on the Big Island of Hawaii. One of the main attractions at this stunning location is the incredible spinner dolphins. Known for their acrobatic displays and charming personalities, these wild dolphins provide an unforgettable experience for snorkelers lucky enough to encounter them.

Spinner dolphins, scientifically known as Stenella longirostris, are a species of small dolphin that can be found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. They are known for their sleek bodies, which can reach lengths of up to 6 feet, and their distinctive long snouts. These elegant creatures get their name from their mesmerizing spinning leaps out of the water, where they twist their bodies and spin in the air before diving back into the depths. It’s a sight that will leave you breathless!

Two Step – A Popular Snorkeling Spot in Big Island

Two Step, located in Pu’uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park, is a must-visit spot for anyone interested in snorkeling on the Big Island of Hawaii. This unique snorkeling spot gets its name from the two natural steps, or lava rock ledges, that provide easy access into the water. The calm, clear waters of these steps attract both snorkelers and marine life alike, making it the perfect place to encounter spinner dolphins.

Aside from the amazing snorkeling opportunities, Two Step also offers a beautiful backdrop of lava formations and pristine coral reefs. The park surrounding the snorkeling area is home to ancient Hawaiian temples, or heiau, adding a cultural element to this already breathtaking natural wonder. With its accessibility and stunning beauty, it’s no wonder that Two Step is a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

The Fascinating Behavior of Spinner Dolphins

Spinner dolphins are truly fascinating creatures, not only for their acrobatic displays but also for their complex social behavior. These dolphins are highly social animals and often travel in large groups, or pods, ranging from a few dozen to several hundred individuals. Within the pod, there is a strong bond and hierarchy, with dominant males leading the group.

One of the most mesmerizing behaviors of spinner dolphins is their unique resting pattern. During the day, they gather in shallow areas, such as bays or coastal reefs, to rest and socialize. They enter a semi-conscious state, where they swim slowly and remain near the surface, occasionally popping up for a breath of fresh air. This resting behavior makes them more accessible to snorkelers, allowing for enchanting encounters.

Interactions with Spinner Dolphins

Encountering spinner dolphins in the wild is an awe-inspiring experience. These intelligent creatures are known for their curious and playful nature, often approaching swimmers and snorkelers with genuine interest. However, it’s important to remember that they are wild animals and should be treated with respect and caution.

To have an enjoyable interaction with spinner dolphins, it’s crucial to follow a few guidelines. Firstly, maintain a safe distance from the dolphins, typically around 50 yards. This ensures that you don’t disturb their natural behavior or cause them any stress. Secondly, avoid chasing or touching the dolphins, as this can disrupt their social dynamics and potentially harm them. Finally, refrain from using flash photography or any loud noises that may startle the dolphins.

Snorkeling with Spinner Dolphins at Two Step

Snorkeling with spinner dolphins at Two Step is an experience like no other. Being able to witness their graceful underwater movements and playful interactions in their natural habitat is truly magical. However, it’s important to note that encountering dolphins is a matter of luck, as they are wild animals and their presence cannot be guaranteed.

If you’re fortunate enough to spot spinner dolphins while snorkeling at Two Step, remember to stay calm and enjoy the experience from a respectful distance. Observe their behavior and marvel at their synchronized swimming patterns and acrobatic leaps. The memories you create during this encounter will stay with you for a lifetime.

Preparing for Snorkeling at Two Step

Before embarking on your snorkeling adventure at Two Step, it’s essential to come prepared. Here are a few key items to consider bringing with you:

  1. Snorkeling Gear: Make sure you have a well-fitting mask, snorkel, and fins to enhance your underwater experience. Renting or purchasing quality gear will greatly enhance your comfort and visibility.

  2. Sun Protection: The tropical sun can be intense, so don’t forget to lather up with reef-safe sunscreen and wear a protective rash guard or wetsuit to shield yourself from harmful UV rays.

  3. Water Safety: Although Two Step offers calm waters for snorkeling, it’s always a good idea to be mindful of safety. Consider wearing a snorkel vest to provide extra buoyancy and ensure you’re a confident swimmer before venturing too far from shore.

  4. Camera: Don’t forget to bring a waterproof camera or a quality underwater case to capture those incredible moments with the spinner dolphins.

Tips for a Successful Snorkeling Experience

To make the most of your snorkeling experience at Two Step and increase your chances of encountering spinner dolphins, here are a few additional tips:

  1. Timing: Spinner dolphins are most active in the early morning hours, so aim to arrive at Two Step as early as possible for the best chance of spotting them.

  2. Stay Patient: Dolphins are a beautiful but elusive species. Spending more time in the water and being patient will increase your chances of encountering them.

  3. Be Respectful: Remember to adhere to the guidelines for observing and interacting with spinner dolphins. Show respect for their space and behavior to ensure they continue to thrive in their natural habitat.

  4. Guided Tours: If you’re uncertain about snorkeling independently, consider joining a guided tour led by knowledgeable locals who can provide insights, help with spotting dolphins, and ensure your safety.

The Importance of Responsible Wildlife Tourism

While swimming with spinner dolphins can be an incredible experience, it’s essential to engage in responsible wildlife tourism. Protecting these magnificent creatures and their habitats is crucial for their survival and the preservation of their natural behaviors.

Responsible wildlife tourism means respecting the animals’ space, behavior, and natural environment. By adhering to guidelines, such as maintaining a safe distance, not touching or chasing the dolphins, and avoiding any disruptive behavior, we can ensure the well-being of spinner dolphins and contribute to their conservation.

Conservation Efforts for Spinner Dolphins

Spinner dolphins face various threats in their natural habitats, including pollution, habitat destruction, noise pollution from boat traffic, and disturbance from human interactions. Recognizing these challenges, conservation organizations, researchers, and the local community are actively working towards protecting spinner dolphins and their environment.

Efforts are underway to establish dolphin-safe snorkeling and boating practices, promote education and awareness about responsible wildlife tourism, and enforce guidelines to protect their habitats. By supporting these conservation initiatives and choosing responsible tour operators, we can contribute to the long-term survival and well-being of spinner dolphins.


An encounter with wild spinner dolphins while snorkeling at Two Step in Big Island, Hawaii, is a truly awe-inspiring experience. Being able to witness their incredible spins, synchronized swimming, and playful behavior in their natural habitat is a privilege that should be cherished and protected. By practicing responsible wildlife tourism, respecting their space, and supporting conservation efforts, we can ensure the preservation of these mesmerizing creatures for generations to come. So, get ready to dive into the crystal-clear waters of Two Step and embark on an unforgettable journey with the wild spinner dolphins of Hawaii.