Looking for a unique adventure on the Big Island of Hawaii? Well, look no further because snorkeling with mantas is an experience you won’t want to miss! Whether you’re a novice snorkeler or an experienced scuba diver, many tour companies offer this thrilling excursion. Imagine getting into the water at night with the mantas as they come to feast on the plankton attracted by massive lights. It’s an amazing experience that you’ll cherish forever. So, if you’re looking to add some excitement to your Hawaiian vacation, be sure to check out our Manta Ray Adventure Guide and explore other incredible adventures like this one. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and follow us on social media for more thrilling videos and updates. Aloha!

Looking for something truly unforgettable to do on The Big Island? How about night snorkeling or diving with the majestic manta rays? This incredible experience involves heading out into the ocean at night with guides who will shine lights to attract plankton and in turn, these gentle giants. While most people opt for guided tours, there’s a unique option called the Ken War Tour, where you can kayak to the bay and have a personal encounter with these magnificent creatures. It’s a bit of a gamble as wildlife is unpredictable, but when the mantas show up, the sight of them is simply awe-inspiring. So, if you’re planning a trip to the Big Island, make sure to put snorkeling with mantas at the top of your must-do list. Plus, stay tuned for more exciting adventures from Hawaii Activity and Tours. Mahalo!

Hawaii Big Island Adventures: Snorkeling With Mantas

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Introduction to Snorkeling with Mantas

Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure on the Big Island of Hawaii? Snorkeling with mantas is a unique experience that allows you to get up close and personal with these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. Whether you’re an experienced snorkeler or a complete beginner, this adventure is suitable for all skill levels. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through everything you need to know to prepare for and enjoy a fantastic snorkeling experience with mantas.

Why Snorkeling with Mantas is Unique on the Big Island

The Big Island of Hawaii is known for its incredible marine life, and one of the most unique experiences you can have is snorkeling with mantas. Unlike other destinations, the Big Island offers night snorkeling tours specifically designed to witness these majestic creatures. These tours utilize massive lights that are used to attract plankton, which in turn attracts the mantas. This allows snorkelers to have a front-row seat to observe these gentle giants feeding and gliding gracefully through the water.

Preparing for the Adventure

Before you embark on your snorkeling adventure with mantas, it’s essential to make a few preparations to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. First, you’ll need to choose a tour company that specializes in manta ray snorkeling. Look for reputable companies with experienced guides who prioritize safety and provide informative and educational experiences.

Choosing a Tour Company

When choosing a tour company for your snorkeling adventure, it’s important to do your research. Look for companies that have excellent reviews, knowledgeable guides, and a good safety record. Check if they provide all necessary snorkeling equipment or if you need to bring your own. Additionally, consider the size of the tour group. Smaller groups often offer a more intimate experience, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of the manta rays.

What to Bring

Before heading out on your snorkeling adventure, make sure you have all the essential items packed. These include sunscreen, a towel, a bathing suit, and a waterproof camera to capture all the magical moments underwater. It’s also a good idea to bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day. Additionally, consider bringing a light jacket or a long-sleeved shirt for the boat ride to the snorkeling spot, as evenings can be cooler on the water.

Safety Tips

While snorkeling with mantas is a thrilling experience, it’s important to prioritize safety. Before getting in the water, listen carefully to the safety briefing provided by the tour guide. They will inform you about potential hazards and provide instructions on how to stay safe during the snorkeling session. Remember to follow the instructions closely and ask any questions you may have to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Snorkeling vs. Scuba Diving: Pros and Cons

When it comes to experiencing the beauty of mantas underwater, you have the option of either snorkeling or scuba diving. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Snorkeling is a more accessible option for beginners, as it requires less equipment and training. It allows you to see the mantas from the surface and witness their graceful movements. On the other hand, scuba diving allows for a closer encounter, as you can swim alongside the mantas and explore their habitat in more depth. However, scuba diving requires certification and additional training. Consider your comfort level and experience when choosing between snorkeling and scuba diving for your manta ray adventure.

Finding the Right Tour Company

Once you have decided to snorkel with mantas, finding the right tour company is crucial. Look for a company that specializes in manta ray snorkeling and has knowledgeable guides who can provide insights into the mantas’ behavior and the surrounding marine ecosystem. Reading reviews from previous customers can give you a good idea of the quality of service provided by different companies. Choose a company that prioritizes environmental conservation and promotes responsible tourism practices to ensure the well-being of the mantas and their habitat.

Booking in Advance

To secure your spot on a manta ray snorkeling tour, it’s advisable to book in advance. These tours tend to be popular, especially during peak seasons, so reserving your spot early ensures that you don’t miss out on this incredible experience. Check the tour company’s website or give them a call to inquire about availability and make a reservation. It’s also a good idea to confirm the details of the tour, such as the meeting location and time, to avoid any confusion on the day of the excursion.

Understanding the Itinerary

Before embarking on your snorkeling adventure, take the time to familiarize yourself with the itinerary provided by the tour company. This will give you a clear understanding of what to expect during the excursion. It may include details such as the duration of the tour, the locations you will visit, and any additional activities or stops along the way. Being aware of the itinerary beforehand allows you to plan your day accordingly and make the most of your time snorkeling with mantas.

Getting Ready for Snorkeling with Mantas

As the day of your snorkeling adventure approaches, it’s important to prepare yourself physically and mentally for the experience. While snorkeling with mantas is a thrilling and unforgettable activity, being in the water for an extended period can be physically demanding. It’s a good idea to engage in regular aerobic exercise and practice swimming to build up your stamina and confidence in the water. Additionally, mentally prepare yourself to encounter these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat, as it can be both awe-inspiring and humbling.

Learning Snorkeling Skills

If you’re new to snorkeling, it’s essential to learn the basic skills before your manta ray adventure. Familiarize yourself with using a snorkel, mask, and fins, and practice breathing through the snorkel and clearing any water that may enter. Get comfortable floating on the surface and practice swimming with fins to maximize your mobility in the water. It’s also a good idea to practice using your underwater camera or GoPro if you plan on capturing photos or videos of the mantas during the snorkeling session.

Understanding Manta Behavior

Before entering the water, it’s important to have a basic understanding of manta ray behavior. Mantas are gentle creatures that are attracted to areas with high plankton concentration, as they feed on these tiny organisms. During the snorkeling session, you may witness the mantas gliding gracefully in the water, performing impressive acrobatic maneuvers, or engaging in courtship displays. However, it’s important to remember that they are wild animals and should be observed from a respectful distance to ensure their safety and well-being.

Ensuring Proper Equipment

To fully enjoy your snorkeling adventure with mantas, it’s crucial to ensure you have the proper equipment. A well-fitting mask is essential to ensure a clear view underwater, so make sure it seals properly and doesn’t leak. Similarly, choose fins that are comfortable and provide adequate propulsion in the water. Renting or purchasing your own snorkeling gear allows you to choose equipment that fits you perfectly and ensures a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Additionally, consider using a snorkel vest for added buoyancy and peace of mind.

Snorkeling Techniques

Once you’re in the water, it’s important to know and practice proper snorkeling techniques. Pay attention to your breathing and try to maintain slow and steady breaths through the snorkel. Practice clearing any water that may enter the snorkel by forcefully exhaling. Additionally, focus on keeping your body relaxed and horizontal in the water to conserve energy and minimize drag. With practice, you’ll become more comfortable and efficient in the water, allowing you to fully enjoy the mesmerizing experience of snorkeling with mantas.

Breathing and Equalizing Ear Pressure

While snorkeling, it’s essential to maintain a steady breathing rhythm. Breathe slowly and deeply through the snorkel, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. If you feel any discomfort or pressure in your ears while diving beneath the surface, it’s important to equalize the pressure to avoid any potential ear damage. To equalize, pinch your nose and gently blow out while keeping your mouth closed. This action helps equalize the pressure in your ears and allows you to dive and explore underwater.

Proper Use of Fins and Mask

Using your snorkeling equipment properly is key to maximizing your swimming efficiency and comfort in the water. When using fins, use a kicking motion from your hips rather than bending your knees excessively. This allows for a more fluid and efficient movement through the water. Additionally, ensure that your mask fits snugly on your face and forms a watertight seal. Clear any water that may enter the mask by slightly tilting your head back and exhaling through your nose.

Understanding Manta Ray Behavior

Observing and understanding manta ray behavior is an integral part of enjoying your snorkeling adventure. Mantas are graceful creatures known for their mesmerizing acrobatics and courtship displays. When snorkeling, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and the behavior of the mantas. Avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that may startle them and maintain a respectful distance to avoid interfering with their natural behavior. Remember that your presence should have minimal impact on the mantas and their environment.

On-site Instructions and Safety Briefing

Upon reaching the snorkeling spot, the tour guide will provide on-site instructions and a safety briefing. Pay close attention to these instructions as they will inform you about specific details of the snorkeling session. The guide may explain how to enter and exit the water safely, how to navigate underwater, and any specific guidelines for interacting with the mantas. It’s important to follow these instructions closely to ensure the safety of yourself, others in the group, and the mantas.

Getting Familiar with the Boat

Before the snorkeling session, take the time to familiarize yourself with the boat you will be using. The tour guide will provide a brief orientation on board, explaining the layout of the boat, safety equipment, and any amenities available. Become acquainted with the location of essential facilities such as restrooms, first aid kits, and emergency exits. This knowledge will ensure that you feel comfortable and prepared while on the boat and enable you to make the most of your snorkeling adventure.

Navigating the Snorkeling Spot

Once you reach the designated snorkeling spot, the tour guide will provide guidance on navigating the area. They will highlight any specific points of interest, potential hazards, or important landmarks to help you orient yourself in the water. Follow the instructions provided by the guide and stay within the designated snorkeling area to minimize your impact on the marine environment and ensure the safety of all participants. Remember to stay close to the group and communicate with the guide if you have any concerns or questions.

Understanding Safety Protocols

Your safety is of utmost importance during the snorkeling experience. The tour guide will provide a comprehensive safety briefing before entering the water. Pay close attention to the instructions regarding how to enter and exit the water safely, what to do in case of an emergency, and any specific safety protocols for the tour. Remember to communicate any medical conditions or concerns you may have to the guide, as they can provide appropriate assistance and support. By adhering to the safety protocols, you can have a worry-free and enjoyable snorkeling experience.

How to Enter and Exit the Water

Entering and exiting the water safely is an essential skill for any snorkeler. The tour guide will demonstrate the proper technique for entering the water, which typically involves sitting on the edge of the boat, sliding into the water feet first, and adjusting your snorkel and mask once you’re afloat. Similarly, there will be instructions on how to exit the water safely, which may involve swimming back to the boat, using a ladder or platform, or being assisted by the crew. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure a seamless and safe transition in and out of the water.

Staying Close to the Guide

While snorkeling, it’s important to stay close to the guide and follow their lead. The guide is not only there to ensure your safety but also to provide valuable insights into the mantas’ behavior and the surrounding marine environment. Maintaining proximity to the guide allows you to be in the best position to observe the mantas and allows for effective communication in case of any assistance or questions. Remember to be respectful of the guide’s instructions and avoid disturbing the mantas or their habitat.

Dealing with Potential Challenges

Snorkeling with mantas can be an exhilarating experience, but it’s essential to be prepared for potential challenges. The underwater environment can be unpredictable, and conditions may change throughout the snorkeling session. Strong currents, limited visibility, or sudden weather changes may pose challenges to inexperienced snorkelers. In such situations, it’s important to remain calm and follow the instructions provided by the guide. If you encounter any difficulties or feel uncomfortable, signal to the guide, and they will assist you accordingly.

The Snorkeling Experience

Finally, it’s time for the main event – the snorkeling experience itself! As you immerse yourself in the water, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and tranquility of your surroundings. Once the mantas approach, avoid touching or chasing them, as this can disrupt their natural behavior and cause stress. Instead, observe the mantas from a respectful distance and allow them to approach you if they choose to. Take your time to watch their graceful movements, their interactions with each other, and their feeding behavior. This unique experience will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

Swimming with Mantas

Swimming alongside mantas is an incredible opportunity to witness their magnificence up close. Remember to practice a slow and gentle swimming style to reduce any disturbance in the water. Keep your movements fluid and avoid splashing or creating excessive noise. By doing so, you enhance the chances of the mantas coming closer to investigate or perform their acrobatic displays. Maintain a respectful distance and follow the guide’s instructions to ensure a safe and enjoyable encounter for both you and the mantas.

Observing Manta Ray Behavior

As you snorkel with mantas, observe their behavior and take note of the various interactions you witness. Mantas are known for their playful acrobatics, graceful movements, and courtship displays. You may see them somersaulting in the water, gliding effortlessly, or engaging in synchronized dances. These behaviors provide insight into their social structure and mating rituals. Remember to avoid interrupting or disturbing these behaviors and allow the mantas to interact with each other in their natural environment.

Interacting Safely with Mantas

Mantas are wild animals, and it’s important to interact with them in a responsible and respectful manner. Maintain a safe distance at all times and avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that may startle them. Refrain from touching or chasing the mantas, as this can cause stress and disrupt their natural behavior. Instead, allow the mantas to approach you if they choose to. By acting as an observer rather than an intruder, you can contribute to the preservation of these incredible creatures and their habitat.

Avoiding Touching or Chasing Mantas

While it may be tempting to reach out and touch the mantas, it’s important to resist this urge. Touching mantas can disturb their delicate skin and protective mucus coating, leaving them vulnerable to infections or diseases. Additionally, mantas have sensitive sensory organs and touching them can cause stress and discomfort. Appreciate the mantas’ beauty from a distance and respect the boundaries of their space. By keeping a respectful distance, you can ensure a positive and safe interaction for both you and the mantas.

Maintaining a Respectful Distance

Maintaining a respectful distance from the mantas is crucial to their well-being and the integrity of their environment. Stay at least ten feet away from the mantas to avoid disturbing their natural behavior and prevent unintentional harm. Remember that you are a visitor in their habitat and should make every effort to minimize your presence and impact. Observing the mantas from a distance not only ensures their safety but also allows you to witness their behavior and interactions in a more authentic way.

Using Underwater Flashlights

Many manta ray snorkeling tours provide participants with underwater flashlights to enhance the visibility and overall experience. Underwater flashlights emit a gentle light that attracts plankton, which, in turn, attracts the mantas. As the mantas feed on the plankton, you can get a better view of their movements and appreciate their enormous size and grace. Proper use of underwater flashlights is essential to prevent causing any harm to the mantas or disturbing their feeding behavior.


Snorkeling with mantas on the Big Island of Hawaii is an unforgettable experience that allows you to witness the beauty of these gentle giants up close. By choosing a reputable tour company, preparing adequately, and having a basic understanding of snorkeling techniques and manta ray behavior, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure. Remember to respect the mantas and their environment by maintaining a respectful distance and avoiding any actions that may cause stress or harm. Snorkeling with mantas is a truly unique experience that will leave you with lasting memories and a deeper appreciation for the incredible marine life that inhabits our oceans. So grab your snorkel, dive into the crystal-clear waters, and immerse yourself in the captivating world of mantas!