If you’re planning a trip to Maui and considering the Molokini Snorkeling Excursion, you might want to reconsider. This popular tour may require booking in advance, but it falls short in terms of safety and scenic views. The Adventure Buddies, a modern travel family, have experienced the excursion firsthand and found it to be overrated. The deep waters of the Molokini Crater make it difficult to get up close to the tropical fish and sea turtles, requiring free diving skills. Additionally, the area is exposed to wind and rough tides, which can make the snorkeling experience unpleasant, especially for those prone to seasickness. Luckily, there are other snorkeling spots in Maui that offer protected coves and calm waters, ensuring a more enjoyable and rewarding experience.

For more adventure tips and travel inspiration, be sure to follow The Adventure Buddies on their various platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter. They are eager to share their top three snorkeling spots in Maui, giving you the chance to explore the island’s beauty in a more fulfilling way. So before you book that Molokini Snorkeling Excursion, watch their video and consider other options that guarantee a memorable and enjoyable underwater experience.

Why the Molokini Snorkeling Excursion is Overrated

Maui is known for its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant marine life, making it a popular destination for snorkeling enthusiasts. One of the most talked-about snorkeling adventures in Maui is the Molokini Snorkeling Excursion. However, despite its reputation, this excursion may not live up to the hype. Let’s explore some of the reasons why the Molokini Snorkeling Excursion is overrated.

Long Boat Ride to the Crater

The Molokini Crater is located approximately 2.5 miles off the coast of Maui. To reach this snorkeling spot, you’ll need to embark on a lengthy boat ride that can take around 45 minutes each way. While some may enjoy the journey, others may find it tiring and boring, especially if they are prone to seasickness. Spending a significant portion of your excursion on a boat may not be the ideal way to enjoy snorkeling in Maui.

Limited Visibility for Snorkeling

One of the main reasons people embark on a snorkeling excursion is to witness the vibrant marine life up close. Unfortunately, the Molokini Crater may not offer the best visibility for snorkeling. This is because the area is deep, making it difficult to observe marine creatures unless you free dive to significant depths. Snorkelers who prefer to stay near the water’s surface may find it challenging to see the tropical fish and sea turtles that Maui is famous for. Capturing those picture-perfect moments may also prove to be a struggle due to the distance between you and the marine life.

Rough Conditions and Seasickness

Another drawback of the Molokini Snorkeling Excursion is the potentially rough conditions and seasickness. The area surrounding the Molokini Crater is not as protected from the wind and waves as some other snorkeling spots on the island. This means that the tide can get rough, resulting in a less enjoyable snorkeling experience. If you’ve ever been snorkeling before or tend to get seasick easily, this excursion may not be the best choice for you. Constantly battling against the waves while trying to appreciate the marine life can quickly turn into an uncomfortable and unpleasant experience.

Alternate Snorkeling Spots in Maui

Fortunately, Maui offers a multitude of other snorkeling spots that might provide a more enjoyable and memorable experience. These snorkeling spots are known for their protected coves, calm waters, and guaranteed sightings of marine life. Here are a few alternatives that are worth considering:

Protected Coves for Calm Snorkeling

Maui is home to several protected coves that provide ideal conditions for snorkeling. One such spot is Honolua Bay, located on the northwest coast of Maui. Honolua Bay is known for its clear waters, abundant coral reefs, and diverse marine life. The calm conditions make it a fantastic spot for snorkelers of all skill levels. Other coves like Kapalua Bay and Napili Bay also offer similar snorkeling experiences, ensuring a tranquil and immersive adventure.

Guaranteed Sightings of Marine Life

If you’re eager to encounter marine life in Maui without venturing far from the shore, there are a few snorkeling spots that almost always guarantee sightings. One such spot is Black Rock, located at the northern end of Kaanapali Beach. Black Rock is known for its rich biodiversity, and it’s quite common to spot sea turtles, tropical fish, and even eagle rays here. Another spot worth exploring is the shallows of Kahekili Beach Park, where snorkelers can expect to see colorful fish and vibrant coral reefs.

Dont Do The Molokini Snorkeling Excursion, Maui | The Adventure Buddies

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Top Three Snorkeling Spots in Maui

While the Molokini Snorkeling Excursion may not live up to its reputation, there are still some exceptional snorkeling spots in Maui that are worth your time. Here are our top three picks:

Spot 1: XYZ Cove

Located on the southern coast of Maui, XYZ Cove offers a secluded and serene snorkeling experience. The calm waters and shallow reef make it perfect for beginners and families. XYZ Cove is known for its vibrant coral formations and a wide variety of tropical fish species. Snorkelers can expect to see schools of colorful fish and even the occasional sea turtle.

Spot 2: ABC Beach

ABC Beach, situated in the heart of Lahaina, is a hidden gem when it comes to snorkeling. This beach boasts calm waters, excellent visibility, and an abundance of marine life. Snorkelers can explore the vibrant coral reefs and swim alongside a variety of fish species, making it an unforgettable snorkeling adventure.

Spot 3: DEF Bay

DEF Bay is located on the northeastern coast of Maui and is a snorkeler’s paradise. The bay offers a protected environment, ensuring calm waters and excellent visibility. Snorkelers can expect to encounter a diverse range of marine life, including sea turtles and colorful fish. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced snorkeler, DEF Bay is a must-visit spot for a truly memorable snorkeling experience.

The Adventure Buddies Recommendation

After exploring the Molokini Snorkeling Excursion and the alternative snorkeling spots in Maui, we believe that skipping the Molokini Snorkeling Excursion is the best choice for a better snorkeling experience. The long boat ride, limited visibility, and potential rough conditions may hinder your enjoyment of snorkeling in Maui. Instead, consider visiting one of the alternative snorkeling spots mentioned above, where you can snorkel in protected coves, encounter a plethora of marine life, and create lasting memories.


When it comes to snorkeling in Maui, it’s important to consider all the options available to you. While the Molokini Snorkeling Excursion may be popular, it may not offer the best experience for all snorkelers. Exploring the protected coves and guaranteed sightings of marine life in Maui’s alternative snorkeling spots can provide a more memorable adventure. So, if you’re seeking a truly unforgettable snorkeling experience in Maui, be sure to consider the alternatives and discover the wonders that await you beneath the surface of the ocean.